At today's PermitTechNation (PTN) monthly meeting, Cindi Somers introduced Camp Corral which is a 501 (c)(3) corporation that is a free, one-of-a-kind summer camp for children of wound, ill, injured or fallen military service members. Cindi would like to thank the attendees for approving a $1000 donation to Camp Corral, which will sponsor one Veteran's child to camp! PTN is the best for giving a hand up to those in need and it is appreciated!
Cindi would like to challenge all state Permit Tech chapters, associations or sub-committees to also donate to Camp Corral, especially if a Camp is located within your state. Please check out the attached for dates and locations of all Camps. If your chapter, association or sub-committee does make a donation, please send donation info to Thank you!
Donations can be submitted HERE.