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PTN Chapter Establishment Guide

Start a New Permit Technician Chapter in your Area

There are many benefits to creating your own local Permit Technician Chapter of the ICC. A Chapter is a great resource for networking and educational opportunities to assist Permit Technicians with daily duties. Learn how other jurisdictions in your State or area are improving their procedures and systems; keep up to date on ICC codes as well as State and local codes; educational opportunities to stay in the know and so much more.

First, begin by visiting the ICC website at and click on the Membership / Chapter tab to see if there is a Chapter in your area.  If not, click on the ICC Chapter Information tab, read through the Chapter information, and download the information on how to start your own area Chapter.

Think about what geographical area you would like your Chapter to cover, whether it be the entire state or a portion of the state. Driving distance to meetings and trainings can be difficult if members must travel too far.

Begin by contacting the President of your local ICC Building Officials Chapter to inform them of your intent to start a new ICC Permit Technician Chapter and ask for assistance in gaining the support of other Building Officials in the area.

Contact the Secretary of State for information on how to set up a new non-profit organization in your area and get advice from the ICC Building Official Chapter on setting up a chapter and information on chapter by- laws.

Ask to be a speaker at the next Building Official meeting to speak about the importance of forming a new Permit Technician Chapter and how beneficial a Permit Technician Chapter can be for all local building departments for networking, education and training and much more.

It will take quite a bit of work, so find a few colleagues that are willing to take some time to assist in starting a new Chapter.  Create a database of all the jurisdictions in your state or area and set up a date and time to

host your first informational meeting. Local libraries, larger jurisdiction conference rooms, city council chambers are a few areas that you should be able to host your first meeting at no cost to you.

Identify with other Chapters to inquire what resources they used to help assist their Chapter with startup funds, bylaws, and any information to help you get started.

Once you begin, ICC Chapter Relations will be very helpful in assisting you and ensuring that you have completed all the necessary requirements and paperwork to file for new chapter status.

Identify who your ICC Region’s Chapter Board Liaison and Staff Liaison are. They will be a valuable resource to help you get started and continue to help you achieve your chapter goals and objectives.

The following page has a check list of just a few items you will need to identify for your organization to get started. Form committees to help you accomplish these items.

Once you have established your Permit Technician organization, move forward toward applying for ICC Chapter status.

Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your com‐ mand, and better tools will be found as you go along.

~ George Herbert

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

~ Helen Keller

Essential Chapter Elements Checklist

Below is a checklist highlighting essential items to identify as you initiate your journey toward establishing your Permit Technician Association. Once you have established your Association, move towards applying for ICC Chapter status.

Download Essential Chapter Elements Checklist HERE.

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